October 07, 2011

Practice makes perfect....I need more practice!

So I got home for the summer, happy to be out of school for a while, and excited for a chance to try making sugar cookies on my own.  Two of my best friends had just graduated from college, and all of the festivities that come along with graduation provided me the perfect opportunities I needed to practice my trade.

Heather was having a graduation party, and so I offered to make graduation cap cookies.  The plan was, black caps with a light blue tassel, simple enough right?  Wrong!  Advice for anyone interested in making black frosting starting with white frosting, make sure you have enough black food coloring!!! I however did not have this insight before hand, and I quickly ran out, leaving my frosting a pale grey.  THAT would not do.  So my mom and I added every color of blue and red hoping to get a dark enough purple that would look like black.  This was not the case.  The cookies ended up being between a dark purple and light navy color, and I outlined the shape and tassel in USD blue.

Don't get me wrong, the cookies tasted GREAT, however, the presentation did not live up to my own perfectionist visions, however, it was a great learning experience.  I learned about mixing colors, what food coloring I prefer to work with, the consistency of the frosting, and about how long the whole process actually takes.  Don't worry, even though Heather's graduation cookies were not my best work, I made it up to her on her birthday with some of my favorite cookies yet.  That post is soon to come.

Moving on.  The cookies for Gisele's graduation/going away party turned out much better, and I am  actually not afraid to provide photo documentation.  Gisele left for grad school at the University of Hawaii this summer.  I got the idea of making the University of Hawaii H's.  I looked everywhere for an "H" cookie cutter, and all I was able to find was the Wilton's 101 Cookie Cutter box, that happened to have the entire alphabet in it.  I have to say, when I made this purchase I was SO ECSTATIC!  I sent a text out to all of my friends announcing this, yeah, THAT excited.  I figured it had every cookie cutter I would ever need.  Those ideas were short lived, however, I got my "H."

So the H's were a little smaller than I had hoped, but I adapted the design, and I have to say they turned out looking awesome.  The colors were nice and bright, and they matched the decorations for the party.  Not only that, but I served them in a pineapple dish, and what doesn't taste good served in a pineapple dish?  Overall, it was a success.  Unfortunately I have yet to discover the secret to shipping cookies to Hawaii, but don't worry Gisele, I will attempt that feat soon!

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